


This repo accompanies our preprint Bayesian Gaussian Process Latent Variable Models for pseudotime inference in single-cell RNA-seq data. To reproduce the figures in the paper:

Note to construct the monocle representation you need to run R_notebooks/vignette.Rmd to get the Laplacian Eigenmaps representation. This all relies heavily on HDF5 (through the rhdf5 and HDF5.jl libraries).

Using bgplvm.jl

The main MH algorithm is in bgplvm.jl. Briefly, it is invoked via

B_GPLVM_MH(X, n_iter, burn, thin, 
    t, tvar, lambda, lvar, sigma, svar, 
    r = 1, return_burn = false, cell_swap_probability = 0,
    gamma = 1.0)


Structure of repo