

Machine Learning Articles


A repository for organizing different topics of machine learning articles in the form of Github's Issues. This idea is inspired by this arXivTimes repository on summarizing machine learning papers. The article of this repo can be found here

The website of this repo could be found here



Have you ever read an interesting article and want to keep it somewhere for future reference or share it with your friends? If you are successfully keeping it in a folder, it will be easily forgetten and hard to find that particular article in your pile of articles.


Use this repository as a way to keep track of your favorite articles as well as see what other interesting articles that people are reading.

Why should you Contribute?

Keeping track of articles in this repository comes with multiple benefits:

How to Contribute


To contribute a paper, please follow the format listed below:

The general template to be used can be found here. Sample example of an issue can be found here


Ideas for those who make fork, create Issues from origin

  1. Fork repository

  2. Enable Issues in Settings -> Issues

    The steps 1 and 2 need be manual

  3. We need set Personal Access Token (PAT):

    • Your Profile -> Settings
    • Developers -> Personal access token
    • Add new Token (copy for use in Secrets) Make sure set the scopes: repo Ex: Machine Learning Articles Access — repo

    3.1 Settings your Repo:

    • Settings -> Secrets
    • Add a new secret: ACTIONS_SECRET : <paste personal access token generated before>
  4. Create final release: v1.0.0 (Import Issues to the repository)

    • Optional you can create one Project(machine-learning-articles/projects) named Machine Learning Articles (To do , In progress, Done) for manage the Issues

How to

Add image

Adding image can be helpful to know what the article about. Simply copy the address of the image in the website and use ![image description](link to the image) to add image to your issue!

For proposing any meta-level changes to this repository, such as adding more tags, changing the template format, please create a new issue using the proposal tag and provide us with your feedback!