



Creating CRUD operations for Django models can often be a tedious, especially when dealing with the complexities of Class-Based Views. With the swift_crud package, we provide a streamlined solution that eliminates the need to navigate through inheritance hierarchies and override methods. Our goal is to empower developers to quickly and efficiently set up CRUD operations for any Django model with just one view class, saving valuable time and ensuring a smoother development process. Let swift_crud simplify your workflow and enhance your productivity.


The swift_crud package provides a base view class (SwiftView) and utility functions to quickly set up CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations for any Django model with only one view class. This package aims to simplify the process by abstracting away the complexity of built-in Class-Based Views (CBVs) and the need to track the inheritance hierarchy to determine where to override methods.

The package includes several mixins to handle common tasks, such as:

By utilizing these mixins, developers can easily implement CRUD functionality for their Django models without having to write boilerplate code or navigate the intricate details of the CBV.


pip install django-swift-crud


Setting Up

  1. Create your Django model:

    from django.db import models
    class Employee(models.Model):
        first_name = models.CharField(max_length=150)
        last_name = models.CharField(max_length=150)
        bio = models.TextField()
        def __str__(self):
            return f"{self.first_name} {self.last_name}"
  2. Define your views:

    from swift_crud.views import SwiftView
    from .models import Employee
    from .forms import EmployeeForm  # You need to create this form
    class EmployeeView(SwiftView):
        model = Employee
        form_class = EmployeeForm
        verbose_name = 'employee'
        verbose_name_plural = 'employees'
        template_folder = 'employees'
        redirect_url = '/employees/'
        allowed_views = ["list", "detail", "delete", "create", "update"]
  3. URL Configuration:

    The patterns in the (create, update, delete) URLs should contain the (create, update, 'delete) words, respectively (you can override this in the get_view_method or in the dispatch method):

    from django.urls import path
    from .views import EmployeeView
    urlpatterns = [
        path('employees/', EmployeeView.as_view(), name='employee_list'),
        path('employees/create/', EmployeeView.as_view(), name='employee_create'),
        path('employees/<int:pk>/', EmployeeView.as_view(), name='employee_detail'),
        path('employees/<int:pk>/update/', EmployeeView.as_view(), name='employee_update'),
        path('employees/<int:pk>/delete/', EmployeeView.as_view(), name='employee_delete'),

    Alternatively, you can use the DefaultRouter class from the swift_crud.routers module inspired from DRF:

from example.views import EmployeeView
from swift_crud.utils import generate_crud_urls
from swift_crud.routers import DefaultRouter

app_name = "example"

router = DefaultRouter()
router.register("Employee/", EmployeeView, "Employee")

urlpatterns = [


urlpatterns += router.urls

And of course, uou can customize the Router to fit your use case.

Create Your Own SwiftView

You can customize the SwiftView class if you want to add more features or Mixin classes, such as the LoginRequiredMixin, and reuse your custom SwiftView class.


The SwiftView class supports the following attributes:


If you find any bugs or have feature requests, please open an issue on GitHub. Contributions are welcome!

Now we are working on four main features that need some contribution:


This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.


This package was inspired by the need to quickly set up CRUD operations for Django models with minimal boilerplate code. Special thanks to the Django community for their continuous support and contributions.