

The Super Programmer

Building software that run our world!

(For discussions around the book, join the book's Discord server: https://discord.gg/a3WExz7Uhc)

How to read

There is an online version here: https://keyvan.me/tsp

If you prefer the PDF version, consider supporting me by buying it from LeanPub! (WARN: The book is incomplete!)

Otherwise, you can compile it yourself (Make sure you have the pandoc package installed on your system):

git clone https://github.com/keyvank/tsp
cd tsp
make pdf


 sudo apt install pandoc
 sudo apt install texlive-latex-base
 sudo apt install texlive-latex-recommended
 cd tsp
 make pdf
 xdg-open tsp.pdf

The output will be stored on tsp.pdf!


I have recently started writing an unusual book discussing various topics in computer-science by implementing them from scratch! WARNING: TSP is still in a very draft stage!

The book consists of 6 chapters:


If you enjoy what I'm writing and would like to support my work, I would appreciate crypto donations! I attempted to distribute my work through computer programming publishers, but the consensus is that these kinds of tutorials won't sell well. Therefore, I have decided to continue TSP as an open-source hobby project!

Feel free to submit your shiny PRs bacause I think I will allow anyone to contribute!