

Revshare.js 💸

A JS library for revenue sharing. Made for the #gftwhackathon, won the Grand Prize as a Creative Catalyst.
Available on NPM at @kewbish/revshare.
Made in vanilla JS, May 2020.
Created by Kewbish.
Released under the MIT License.

See the project landing page. Issues and feature requests are welcome!

Installation Usage

This package is available on NPM at @kewbish/revshare.

<script src="./node_modules/@kewbish/revshare/dist/index.min.js"></script>

Alternatively, add a <script> tag in your <head>:

<script src="https://unpkg.com/@kewbish/revshare"></script>

Basic Usage

Add a <rev-share> tag anywhere in your body.
This tag requires a pointers attribute, formatted in JSON.

<rev-share pointers='{"$john.wallet": 50, "$alicia.wallet": 50}'>
    <p>This is your revenue-shared content!</p>

Additional documentation can be found in the docs folder.

:warning: This rev-share specification is done probablistically nature due to limitations of the Web Monetization protocol.


This project is based on the proposed Web Monetization protocol. It's a browser API which allows the creation of a payment stream from the user agent to the website. Currently, this isn't implemented in any major browsers, but is available through an extension or a custom browser. Check out Coil.com for more..

This project was created for, and won, the #gftwhackathon.