

AdminLTE-Bundle Demo

This repository contains an example Symfony 4 application for the AdminLTE-Bundle.

It serves as a living documentation for first time users and easier testing of theme features.

Please read the theme documentation for more information on how to use this theme.


Simple as that:

composer create-project kevinpapst/adminlte-bundle-demo

Use the Symfony binary to quickly start up a development server:

cd adminlte-bundle-demo
SHELL_VERBOSITY=2 symfony serve

Frontend assets

If you want to re-compile the frontend assets execute:

yarn install
yarn run build

Testing different languages

Be aware that ONLY the theme translations will change (like login screen and toolbar dropdowns), the demo itself is not translated!

Real world examples

If you want to see the theme in action (in a real world application), checkout my time-tracking application Kimai.