

Parsing Expression Grammars in Rust

Documentation | Release Notes

rust-peg is a simple yet flexible parser generator that makes it easy to write robust parsers. Based on the Parsing Expression Grammar formalism, it provides a Rust macro that builds a recursive descent parser from a concise definition of the grammar.



Parse a comma-separated list of numbers surrounded by brackets into a Vec<u32>:

  grammar list_parser() for str {
    rule number() -> u32
      = n:$(['0'..='9']+) {? n.parse().or(Err("u32")) }

    pub rule list() -> Vec<u32>
      = "[" l:(number() ** ",") "]" { l }

pub fn main() {
    assert_eq!(list_parser::list("[1,1,2,3,5,8]"), Ok(vec![1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8]));

See the tests for more examples
Grammar rule syntax reference in rustdoc

Comparison with similar parser generators

crateparser typeaction codeintegrationinput typeprecedence climbingparameterized rulesstreaming input
pegPEGin grammarproc macro (block)&str, &[T], customYesYesNo
pestPEGexternalproc macro (file)&strYesNoNo
nomcombinatorsin sourcelibrary&[u8], customNoYesYes
lalrpopLR(1)in grammarbuild script&strNoYesNo

See also


The rust-peg grammar is written in rust-peg: peg-macros/grammar.rustpeg. To avoid the circular dependency, a precompiled grammar is checked in as peg-macros/grammar.rs. To regenerate this, run the ./bootstrap.sh script.

There is a large test suite which uses trybuild to test both functionality (tests/run-pass) and error messages for incorrect grammars (tests/compile-fail). Because rustc error messages change, the compile-fail tests are only run on the minimum supported Rust version to avoid spurious failures.

Use cargo test to run the entire suite, or cargo test -- trybuild trybuild=lifetimes.rs to test just the indicated file. Add --features trace to trace these tests.