Caffe with real-time data augmentation
Data augmentation is a simple yet effective way to enrich training data. However, we don't want to re-create a dataset (such as ImageNet) with more than millions of images every time when we change our augmentation strategy. To address this problem, this project provides real-time training data augmentation. During training, caffe will augment training data with random combination of different geometric transformations (scaling, rotation, cropping), image variations (blur, sharping, JPEG compression), and lighting adjustments.
<img src="" width="500">Realtime data augmentation
Realtime data augmentation is implemented within the ImageData
layer. We provide several augmentations as below:
- Geometric transform: random flipping, cropping, resizing, rotation
- Smooth filtering
- JPEG compression
- Contrast & brightness adjustment
How to use
You could specify your network prototxt as:
layer {
name: "data"
type: "ImageData"
top: "data"
top: "label"
include {
phase: TRAIN
transform_param {
mirror: true
crop_size: 227
mean_file: "/home/your/imagenet_mean.binaryproto"
contrast_adjustment: true
smooth_filtering: true
jpeg_compression: true
rotation_angle_interval: 30
display: true
image_data_param {
source: "/home/your/image/list.txt"
batch_size: 32
shuffle: true
new_height: 256
new_width: 256
You could also find a toy example at /examples/SSDH/train_val.prototxt
Note: ImageData Layer is currently not supported in TEST mode
Setup caffe-augmentation
Adjust Makefile.config and simply run the following commands:
$ make all -j8
For a faster build, compile in parallel by doing make all -j8
where 8 is the number of parallel threads for compilation (a good choice for the number of threads is the number of cores in your machine).
This project is based upon @ChenlongChen's caffe-windows, @ShaharKatz's Caffe-Data-Augmentation, and @senecaur's caffe-rta. Thank you for your inspiration!