An extension to the View
protocol that provides conditional view modifiers.
enhances SwiftUI's conditional rendering capabilities, makes it easier for developers to create adaptive and responsive user interfaces. With ViewCondition
, you can easily apply modifiers, control visibility, or hide views based on various conditions such as boolean logic, operating system, or module availability. This flexibility allows you to tailor your app's interface for different platforms and user needs without complex conditional statements.
You can find the documentation here:
You can add ViewCondition
as a dependency to your project using Swift Package Manager by adding it to the dependencies value of your Package.swift
dependencies: [
.package(url: "", .upToNextMajor(from: "2.0.0"))
Alternatively, in Xcode:
- Open your project in Xcode.
- Click on
->Swift Packages
->Add Package Dependency...
- Enter the repository URL:
- Choose the version you want to add. You probably want to add the latest version.
- Click
Add Package
If Modifiers
The if
modifiers allow you to conditionally apply modifications to a view.
Basic Boolean Condition
Text("Hello, World!")
.if(someCondition) { view in
Operating System Specific
Text("Hello, World!")
.if(os: .iOS) { view in
Module Availability
Text("Hello, World!")
.if(canImport: .uiKit) { view in
Multiple Boolean Conditions
Text("Hello, World!")
.if([condition1, condition2, condition3]) { view in
Multiple Operating Systems
Text("Hello, World!")
.if(os: [.iOS, .macOS]) { view in
Multiple Module Availabilities
Text("Hello, World!")
.if(canImport: [.uiKit, .appKit]) { view in
Visible Modifiers
The visible
modifiers control the visibility of a view.
Basic Boolean Condition
Text("I'm visible!")
.visible(if: someCondition)
With Remove Option
Text("I might be removed")
.visible(if: someCondition, removeCompletely: true)
Operating System Specific
Text("iOS Only")
.visible(on: .iOS)
Module Availability
Text("UIKit Available")
.visible(ifCanImport: .uiKit)
Multiple Boolean Conditions
Text("All conditions must be true")
.visible(if: [condition1, condition2, condition3])
Multiple Operating Systems
Text("iOS or macOS")
.visible(on: [.iOS, .macOS])
Multiple Module Availabilities
Text("UIKit or AppKit")
.visible(ifCanImport: [.uiKit, .appKit])
Hide Modifiers
The hide
modifiers control the hiding of a view.
Basic Boolean Condition
Text("I'm hidden!")
.hide(if: someCondition)
With Remove Option
Text("I might be removed")
.hide(if: someCondition, removeCompletely: true)
Operating System Specific
Text("Hidden on iOS")
.hide(on: .iOS)
Module Availability
Text("Hidden if UIKit is available")
.hide(ifCanImport: .uiKit)
Multiple Boolean Conditions
Text("Hidden if all conditions are true")
.hide(if: [condition1, condition2, condition3])
Multiple Operating Systems
Text("Hidden on iOS or macOS")
.hide(on: [.iOS, .macOS])
Multiple Module Availabilities
Text("Hidden if UIKit or AppKit is available")
.hide(ifCanImport: [.uiKit, .appKit])