


A client for accessing the Twilio API with several nice features:

Here are some example use cases:

const sid = "AC123"
const token = "456bef"

client := twilio.NewClient(sid, token, nil)

// Send a message
msg, err := client.Messages.SendMessage("+14105551234", "+14105556789", "Sent via go :) ✓", nil)

// Start a phone call
var callURL, _ = url.Parse("https://kevin.burke.dev/zombo/zombocom.mp3")
call, err := client.Calls.MakeCall("+14105551234", "+14105556789", callURL)

// Buy a number
number, err := client.IncomingNumbers.BuyNumber("+14105551234")

// Get all calls from a number
data := url.Values{}
data.Set("From", "+14105551234")
callPage, err := client.Calls.GetPage(context.TODO(), data)

// Iterate over calls
iterator := client.Calls.GetPageIterator(url.Values{})
for {
    page, err := iterator.Next(context.TODO())
    if err == twilio.NoMoreResults {
    fmt.Println("start", page.Start)

A complete documentation reference can be found at godoc.org.

In Production

twilio-go is being used by the following applications:

Using twilio-go in production? Let me know!

Supported API's

The API is unlikely to change, and currently covers these resources:

Error Parsing

If the twilio-go client gets an error from the Twilio API, we attempt to convert it to a rest.Error before returning. Here's an example 404.

    Title: "The requested resource ... was not found",
    ID: "20404",
    Detail: "",
    Instance: "",
    Type: "https://www.twilio.com/docs/errors/20404",
    StatusCode: 404

Not all errors will be a rest.Error however - HTTP timeouts, canceled context.Contexts, and JSON parse errors (HTML error pages, bad gateway responses from proxies) may also be returned as plain Go errors.

Twiml Generation

There are no plans to support Twiml generation in this library. It may be more readable and maintainable to manually write the XML involved in a Twiml response.



I'm available for hire, for Twilio work or general-purpose engineering. For more on what I can do for your company, see here: https://burke.services/twilio.html. Contact me: kevin@burke.services


Donations free up time to review pull requests, respond to bug reports, and add new features. In the absence of donations there are no guarantees about timeliness for reviewing or responding to proposed changes; I don't get paid by anyone else to work on this. You can send donations via Github's "Sponsor" mechanism or Paypal's "Send Money" feature to kev@inburke.com. Donations are not tax deductible in the USA.