


Fork of jwt-go that rips out every algorithm except H256. The API is a lot simpler, there are a lot fewer opportunities for vulnerable code, and it's harder to make errors. Read the accompanying blog post.

While the inputs and outputs may resemble JWT, this is explicitly not JWT. Algorithm choice is a deliberate JWT design decision; here, specifying an "alg" parameter in the header is illegal.


JWT is a bad specification, and a number of libraries have had problems implementing it in the past:

All of these problems are due to a specification that is too complex and algorithms that are difficult to implement. It is likely that JWT libraries will continue to have problems in the future.

Particular to the jwt library, jwt-go forces you to check two different places for a valid token (err == nil and t.Valid), and the Keyfunc is error prone. It also registers a number of hashing methods by default, any one of which could have an error.

If you still need to use a JWT-like thing, you should use exactly one state of the art authenticator (HMAC with SHA256), and exactly one method of specifying which key you want to use (a 256-bit random value, stored as a [32]byte).

Changes from the JWT spec

The only known "typ" parameter for this library is "h256only". All other types will return an error on parse.

The "alg" parameter is illegal, because the only supported algorithm is H256.

Upgrade path

It's possible at some point that someone will create a feasible attack against sha256, the cryptography primitive underlying this library. In that case, you should not continue to use this library; create a new library with a better cryptographic primitive and use that instead.

Differences from jwt-go

This library changed 46 files, added 801 lines and deleted 3131 lines, compared with jwt-go. Considering that lines of code correlate with defects, fewer lines of code decreases the chance of a vulnerability appearing in this library.

Here is a partial list of changes.