Gradle Upgrade Interactive
CLI to interactively upgrade Gradle dependencies, inspired by yarn.
Easily upgrade your dependencies and Gradle itself by simply selecting what you want to upgrade.
- NodeJS 18+
- gradle-versions-plugin
To get the data for the outdated dependencies, the gradle-versions-plugin is required.
plugins {
id "com.github.ben-manes.versions" version "0.49.0"
Install the CLI
npm i -g gradle-upgrade-interactive
Simply run gradle-upgrade-interactive
--help Show help [boolean]
--version Show version number [boolean]
--resolution, -r Controls the dependency resolution strategy.
Supported options:
* release: selects the latest release
* milestone: select the latest version being either a
milestone or a release (default)
* integration: selects the latest revision of the
dependency module (such as SNAPSHOT) [string]
--semver, -s Which semantic version diffs to include
( Flag can be used multiple times.
Supported options:
* major: Include upgrades with a major version change
* minor: Include upgrades with a minor version change
* patch: Include upgrades with a patch version change
--external-file, -e Points to a file where dependencies have been declared,
e.g. gradle/dependencies.gradle. Option can be used
multiple times. [array]
--debug, -d Prints debugging information, such as commands executed
and current status. [boolean] [Standard: false]
--path-to-report, -p Points to the path where the report.json is saved
standard is at the moment build/dependencyUpdates
--no-color Disables color output
How it works
The gradle-versions-plugin is called to generate a JSON report containing the outdated dependencies. The CLI will then prompt all outdated dependencies and the selected dependency upgrades will be written to the Gradle build file.