

Olivia Banner Art

Olivia - Elegant Music Player for Linux Desktop

by @keshavbhatt of ktechpit.com and others  Olivia hits mark of 5000+ active users already

License: MIT Average time to resolve an issue Percentage of issues still open

Stable and Nightly Build on any snapd enabled Linux Distribution can be installed using:

olivia olivia

Get it from the Snap Store

snap install olivia

Arch Linux (using AUR):

Olivia Arch Linux User's Repository


Consider Donating if you want this music player grow further


Buy Me A Coffee

Olivia utilises power of the following tools and technologies :

Build requirement

Qt >=5.5.1 with these modules
    - libqt5sql5-sqlite
    - libqt5webkit5 (must)
    - libqt5x11extras5
mpv >= 0.29.1
coreutils >=8.25
socat >=
python >=2.7
wget >=1.17.1

Build instructions With all build requirements in place go to project root and execute:


qmake (or qmake-qt5, depending on your distro)

Execute :


Screenshots: (can be old) Olivia Youtube plugin for Olivia on the play Olivia Playing Internet radio