Application Lifecycle Working group in Keptn
The working group is focused on standardization and interoperability with other tools.
- Standardization around application life cycle and deployment events within the Keptn events spec
- Creation of a new standard for deployment events and CRDs, based on what we have in Keptn Events spec and other projects. We had a few chats with maintainers of K8s projects, and it seems to be a good spot for us
- Keptn Lifecycle Controller PoC, now in sandbox. This is an experimental project. The goal is to introduce a more “cloud-native” approach for pre- and post-deployment, as well as the concept of application health checks, and it could be a reference implementation for the standards suggested above.
- Collaboration with related projects, including CDEvents, K8s, Argo, OpenSLO, OpenTelemetry, etc. Ideally a lot of work could and should be upstreamed to become standards beyond just Keptn
Keptn community and developer meetings are used for now. Special regular meetings will be created once there is a need.
Keptn Community Governance process applies during the bootstrap. Final governance model will be determined based on the engagements.
- Channels:
on CNCF Slack ( - Keptn Lifecycle Controller discussions
- Interested Parties