

Keras Inception ResNet V2

Keras implementation of Google's inception-resnet-v2 model with (coming soon) ported weights!

As described in: Inception-v4, Inception-ResNet and the Impact of Residual Connections on Learning (Christian Szegedy, Sergey Ioffe, Vincent Vanhoucke, Alex Alemi)

Note this Keras implementation tries to follow the tf.slim definition as closely as possible.

Pre-Trained weights (once they are ported) for this Keras model can be found here (ported from the tf.slim ckpt): https://github.com/kentsommer/keras-inception-resnetV2/releases

You can evaluate a sample image by performing the following (weights once they are ported are downloaded automatically):

Loaded Model Weights!
Class is: African elephant, Loxodonta africana
Certainty is: 0.868498

Performance Metrics (@Top5, @Top1)

Error rate on non-blacklisted subset of ILSVRC2012 Validation Dataset (Single Crop):

Error rate listed in the paper on non-blacklisted subset of ILSVRC2012 Validation Dataset (Single Crop):



  1. The model has been added. I will work on porting the weights over the next few days