

React Router + Remix

This is an example of how you can incrementally migrate to Remix if you're using React Router. Here's the basic idea:

  1. Upgrade your React Router site to the latest version of React Router (find out how to do this iteratively).
  2. Install Remix and set up the conventional files of app/{root,entry.client,entry.server}.tsx
  3. Move all your existing code into a directory within the app directory (like app/old-app for example).
  4. Remove <BrowserRouter> from your App
  5. Create a app/routes/$.tsx file with just export { default } from "~/old-app/app"; (or whatever file has the root component for your existing React Router app).
  6. Remove all your old webpack build stuff and use the remix CLI instead. Your builds are now outrageously fast.
  7. Everything should work at this point (and it'll be server rendered too!!). Commit + push!
  8. Over time, move old routes to the routes directory until you bring everything over.
  9. You're done!

We'll have better docs and even videos about this in the future, but this is a pretty darn solid and iterative approach with quick wins and a clear path.