

Building and Managing an Isolation Forest Anomaly Detection Pipeline with Kedro


Anomaly (fraud) detection pipeline on credit card transaction data using Isolation Forest machine learning model and Kedro framework

Link to article: https://neptune.ai/blog/data-science-pipelines-with-kedro


Develop a data science pipeline to detect anomalous (fradulent) credit card transactions with the use of:



The credit card transaction data is obtained from the collaboration between Worldline and Machine Learning Group. It is a realistic simulation of real-world credit card transactions and has been designed to include complicated fraud detection issues.

General Pipeline Structure

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Anomaly Detection Pipeline Structure

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  1. Change path to project directory in command line - cd C:/Anomaly-Detection-Pipeline-Kedro
  2. Initialize Conda virtual environment (create one if not done so) - conda activate env_kedro
  3. Execute a pipeline run with kedro run

Please see the walkthrough article for details