


<a href="http://travis-ci.org/kengonakajima/lua-msgpack-native"><img src="https://secure.travis-ci.org/kengonakajima/lua-msgpack-native.png"></a>

Faster implementation of MessagePack for Lua. It's about 5 or 10 times faster than a Lua binding of libmsgpack mplua, and 20 or 50 times faster than luvit's embedded JSON parse/stringify.

It's even faster on smaller/simpler objects like data packets of multiplayer networked games.

Performance is improved by skipping (1) making msgpack_object tree inside libmsgpack, and (2) traversing the tree when constructing Lua table.

lua-msgpack-native just directly reads input string and construct Lua table, so never make object tree other than Lua tree. 2 or 3 times less buffer copy and memory allocation.


tested on luvit on OSX Lion and Linux(Ubuntu 11.04, travis-ci node.js worker) current luvit depends on LuaJIT2.


In your app:

local mp = require( "msgpack" )
local tbl = { a=123, b="any", c={"ta","bl","e",1,2,3} }
local packed = mp.pack(tbl)
local unpacked_table = mp.unpack(packed)


command line:

luvit bench.lua


mp:   empty      0.69   sec   4347826.0869565   times/sec   6.5072463768116   times faster
mp:   iary1      0.87   sec   3448275.862069    times/sec   5.9310344827586   times faster
mp:   iary10     0.31   sec   967741.93548387   times/sec   2.9677419354839   times faster
mp:   iary100    0.21   sec   142857.14285714   times/sec   1.9047619047619   times faster
mp:   iary1000   2.43   sec   12345.679012346   times/sec   1.3662551440329   times faster
mp:   iary10000  2.31   sec   1298.7012987013   times/sec   1.4718614718615   times faster
mp:   str1       0.47   sec   6382978.7234042   times/sec   10.489361702128   times faster
mp:   str10      0.48   sec   6250000           times/sec   10.354166666667   times faster
mp:   str100     0.76   sec   3947368.4210526   times/sec   6.9868421052632   times faster
mp:   str500     1.36   sec   2205882.3529412   times/sec   4.3970588235294   times faster
mp:   str1000    2.22   sec   1351351.3513514   times/sec   3.0855855855856   times faster
mp:   str10000   1.76   sec   170454.54545455   times/sec   1.4545454545455   times faster

To compare with luvit's JSON (based on libyajl), command line:

luvit jsonbench.lua


json:	empty	0.304742	sec	98443.929619153	times/sec
json:	iary1	0.402968	sec	74447.59881678	times/sec
json:	iary10	0.060066	sec	49945.060433523	times/sec
json:	iary100	0.031954	sec	9388.4959629468	times/sec
json:	iary1000	0.302775	sec	990.83477830072	times/sec
json:	iary10000	0.331131	sec	90.598584850105	times/sec
json:	str1	0.244788	sec	122555.02720722	times/sec
json:	str10	0.316844	sec	94683.81916653	times/sec
json:	str100	0.420545	sec	71336.00447039	times/sec
json:	str500	0.629439	sec	47661.489040241	times/sec
json:	str1000	0.630663	sec	47568.986923286	times/sec
json:	str10000	0.368189	sec	8147.9892120623	times/sec

lua-msgpack-native is 20x ~ 50x faster than luvit's JSON.

Streaming API

It also has streaming parser: feed() bytes, and pull() tables.

local tbl = { piyo=7, hoge = { 5,6,"7", {8,9,10} }, fuga="11" }
local str = mp.pack(tbl)
local u = mp.createUnpacker(1024)
u:feed( string.sub(s,1,11))  -- feed first half of the data
u:feed( string.sub(s,12,#s))  -- and feed latter half of the data
local outtbl = u:pull()  -- pull() success
print( outtbl.piyo ) -- => "7"
local outnil = u:pull()  -- pull() returns nil, no data.

Streaming API is 10~30% slower than normal unpack() function:

mp:	empty	0.627703	sec	native:	4779330.3520933	stream:	3023163.4785728
mp:	iary1	0.768256	sec	native:	3904948.3505498	stream:	2733462.7779818
mp:	iary10	0.205636	sec	native:	1458888.5214651	stream:	979799.79424204
mp:	iary100	0.16467	sec	native:	182182.54691201	stream:	147220.47738694
mp:	iary1000	1.922974	sec	native:	15600.834956687	stream:	12727.952322788
mp:	iary10000	1.795387	sec	native:	1670.9489374714	stream:	1251.2110680463
mp:	str1	0.384245	sec	native:	7807518.6404508	stream:	3619223.8695053
mp:	str10	0.410769	sec	native:	7303374.8895365	stream:	3783345.4610574
mp:	str100	0.647663	sec	native:	4632038.5756172	stream:	2638573.4816329
mp:	str500	1.378287	sec	native:	2176614.8849986	stream:	1583412.5919303
mp:	str1000	2.246217	sec	native:	1335578.8866347	stream:	1072244.242942
mp:	str10000	1.777126	sec	native:	168811.89065941	stream:	155099.03590439

Install with Luarocks

You can use luarocks to build and install on your environment by:

sudo luarocks make rockspec/lua-msgpack-native-scm-1.rockspec

Note: This method is tested only on Linux and OSX.

Related works

In many cases ,Lua runtime doesn't allow adding native modules. In these cases you can use pure lua implementation of MessagePack

This module mainly targets on luvit. To maximize performance, you'd use LuaJIT2 or luvit or something.

This repository has orig_msgpack directory, that contains original msgpack C++ library source code and mplua stub C code. Every line of these code is from those projects.