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Go wrapper for Imirhil/cryptcheck API. Currently v1 of the API is supported, v2 is not released or documented yet.

API v1 is now at 201809, added missing Error field in Host.



You need to install my proxy module before if you are using Go 1.10.x or earlier.

go get github.com/keltia/proxy

With Go 1.11+ and its modules support, it should work out of the box with

go get github.com/keltia/cryptcheck/cmd/...

if you have the GO111MODULE environment variable set on on.


There is a small example program included in cmd/cryptcheck to either show the grade of a given site or JSON dump of the detailed report.

You can just get the grade like this:

$ cryptcheck www.ssllabs.com
cryptcheck Wrapper: 1.4.0 API version 201809

Grade for 'www.ssllabs.com' is B (Date: 2018-07-30 23:52:52.494 +0200 CEST)

You can get a more detail report with -d:

$ cryptcheck -d www.ssllabs.com
cryptcheck Wrapper: 1.4.0 API version 201809


You can use jq to display the output of cryptcheck -d <site> in a colorised way (use -raw to remove the banner display):

cryptcheck -raw tls.imirhil.fr | jq .

There is also a debug mode with -D.

By default, Cryptcheck returns the last run cached by the site, if you want to refresh, use -R.

API Usage

As with many API wrappers, you will need to first create a client with some optional configuration, then there are two main functions:

    // Simplest way
    c := cryptcheck.NewClient()
    grade, err := c.GetScore("example.com")
    if err != nil {
        log.Fatalf("error: %v", err)
    // With some options, timeout at 15s and debug-like verbosity
    cnf := cryptcheck.Config{
    c := cryptcheck.NewClient(cnf)
    report, err := c.GetDetailedReport("foo.xxx")
    if err != nil {
        log.Fatalf("error: %v", err)


Timeoutinttime for connections (default: 10s )
Logint1: verbose, 2: debug (default: 0)
RefreshboolForce refresh of the sites (default: false)

Using behind a web Proxy

Dependency: proxy support is provided by my github.com/keltia/proxy module.


    export HTTP_PROXY=[http://]host[:port] (sh/bash/zsh)
    setenv HTTP_PROXY [http://]host[:port] (csh/tcsh)


    set HTTP_PROXY=[http://]host[:port]

The rules of Go's ProxyFromEnvironment apply (HTTP_PROXY, HTTPS_PROXY, NO_PROXY, lowercase variants allowed).

If your proxy requires you to authenticate, please create a file named .netrc in your HOME directory with permissions either 0400 or 0600 with the following data:

machine proxy user <username> password <password>

and it should be picked up. On Windows, the file will be located at



The BSD 2-Clause license.


This project is an open Open Source project, please read CONTRIBUTING.md.


We welcome pull requests, bug fixes and issue reports.

Before proposing a large change, first please discuss your change by raising an issue.