#NyaruDB ###\(・ω・\)SAN値!(/・ω・)/ピンチ!
<a href="" target="_blank">這いよれ!ニャル子さんW</a>
NyaruDB is a simple NoSQL database in Objective-C. It could be run on iOS and OS X.
It is a key-valu pair NoSQL database. You could search data by fields of the document.
##Feature ####More quickly than sqlite.
NyaruDB use memory cache, <a href="" target="_blank">GCD</a> and binary tree to optimize performance.
NoSQL with SQL:
NyaruDB: NSDictionary <-- NyaruDB --> File
sqlite: NSDictionary <-- converter --> SQL <-- sqlite3 function --> File
NyaruDB | sqlite | |
insert 1k documents | 11,000 ms <br/> 500 ms (async) | 36,500 ms |
fetch 1k documents | 300 ms <br/> 50 ms (in cache) | 300 ms |
search in 1k documents <br/> for 10 times | 12 ms | 40 ms |
(this test is on iPhone4) |
####Clean query syntax.
// where type == 1 order by update
NSArray *documents = [[[collection where:@"type" equal:@1] orderBy:@"update"] fetch];
##Installation ####git
$ git clone git://
####<a href="" target="_blank">CocoadPods</a>:
add Podfile
in your project path
platform :ios
pod 'NyaruDB'
$ pod install
##Management Tool
####<a href="" target="_blank">NyaruDB Control</a>
<img src=''/>
##Collection Collection is like Table of sql database.
When you want to search data by a field, you should create a index.
If you want to search data by 'email', you should create a 'email' index before searching.
##Document Document is data in the collection.
There is a member named key
in the document. Key is unique and datatype is NSString.
If the document has no key
when inserted, it will be automatically generated.
- Normal Field Datatype:
(items just allowNSString
in theNSArray
) - Index Field Datatype:
##Access Database ###Instance
[NyaruDB instance]
returns a static NyaruDB instance, and database path is /your-app/Documents/NyaruDB
NyaruDB *db = [NyaruDB instance];
####OS X
[[NyaruDB alloc] initWithPath:@"/tmp/NyaruDB"]
NyaruDB will scan all documents in collections when [NyaruDB init]
, so do not call init
too much.
In OS X, you should handle the static instance by yourself.
NyaruDB *db = [[NyaruDB alloc] initWithPath:@"/tmp/NyaruDB"];
###Create the collection
NyaruCollection *collectioin = [db collection:@"collectionName"];
###Create the index
NyaruCollection *collection = [db collection:@"collectionName"];
[collection createIndex:@"email"];
[collection createIndex:@"number"];
[collection createIndex:@"date"];
###Insert the document
If there is a document has the same 'key', it will be replace with the new document. (update document)
NyaruCollection *collection = [db collection:@"collectionName"];
NSDictionary *document = @{@"email": @"",
@"name": @"Kelp",
@"phone": @"0123456789",
@"date": [NSDate date],
@"text": @"(」・ω・)」うー!(/・ω・)/にゃー!",
@"number": @100};
[collection put:document];
The field of the document which is key
or index
supports search.
supports equal
supports equal
, notEqual
, less
, lessEqual
, greater
, greaterEqual
and like
You could use and
(Intersection) or or
to append the query.
// search the document the 'key' is equal to 'IjkhMGIT752091136'
NyaruCollection *co = [db collection:@"collectionName"];
NSArray *documents = [[co where:@"key" equal:@"IjkhMGIT752091136"] fetch];
for (NSMutableDictionary *document in documents) {
NSLog(@"%@", document);
// search documents the 'date' is greater than now, and sort by date with DESC
NyaruCollection *co = [db collection:@"collectionName"];
NSDate *date = [NSDate date];
NSArray *documents = [[[co where:@"date" greater:date] orderByDESC:@"date"] fetch];
for (NSMutableDictionary *document in documents) {
NSLog(@"%@", document);
// search documents the 'date' is greater than now, and 'type' is equal to 2
// then sort by date with ASC
NyaruCollection *co = [db collection:@"collectionName"];
NSDate *date = [NSDate date];
NSArray *documents = [[[[co where:@"date" greater:date] and:@"type" equal:@2] orderBy:@"date"] fetch];
for (NSMutableDictionary *document in documents) {
NSLog(@"%@", document);
// search documents 'type' == 1 or 'type' == 3
NyaruCollection *co = [db collection:@"collectionName"];
NSArray *documents = [[[co where:@"type" equal:@1] or:@"type" equal:@3] fetch];
for (NSMutableDictionary *document in documents) {
NSLog(@"%@", document);
// count documents 'type' == 1
NyaruCollection *co = [db collection:@"collectionName"];
NSUInteger count = [[co where:@"type" equal:@1] count];
NSLog(@"%u", count);
###Delete documents
NyaruCollection *co = [db collection:@"collectionName"];
[co createIndex:@"number"];
[co put:@{@"number": @100}];
[co put:@{@"number": @200}];
[co put:@{@"number": @10}];
// remove by query
[[co where:@"number" equal:@10] remove];
// remove all
[[co all] remove];
###Sync & Async
and remove
will be run as async mode.
and count
will be run as sync mode. But all commands will be processed on a same dispatch.
After 1.4.1 NyaruDB has new messages about async fetch and count.
[NyaruQuery fetchAsync:(void (^)(NSArray *))handler]
[NyaruQuery countAsync:(void (^)(NSUInteger))handler]
If you wount to put documents as sync, you could use [NyaruCollection waitForWriting]
NyaruDB *db = [NyaruDB instance];
NyaruCollection *collection = [db collection:@"collection"];
NSDictionary *document = @{@"email": @"",
@"name": @"Kelp",
@"phone": @"0123456789",
@"date": [NSDate date],
@"text": @"(」・ω・)」",
@"number": @100};
[collection put:document];
[collection waitForWriting]; // sync
// be Careful
NyaruDB *db = [NyaruDB instance];
NyaruCollection *collection = [db collection:@"collection"];
NSDictionary *document = @{@"email": @"",
@"name": @"Kelp",
@"phone": @"0123456789",
@"date": [NSDate date],
@"text": @"(」・ω・)」",
@"number": @100};
for (NSUInteger index = 0; index < 1000; index++) {
// put 1k documents
[collection put:document];
// cpu will wait for documents write done.
// if this is main dispatch, it will be locked.
NSUInteger count = collection.count;
// you could try this
[collection countAsync:^(NSUInteger count) {
// this block run in main dispatch
##Class ###NyaruDB interface
#pragma mark - Instance
Get the shared instance for iOS.
@return NyaruDB shared instance
+ (id)instance;
Remove all database for iOS.
if you init database error, maybe need to call this message.
+ (void)reset;
Init NyaruDB for OS X.
@param path Database files are in this path.
@return NyaruDB instance
- (id)initWithPath:(NSString *)path;
Close all file handles and collections for OS X.
Before release instance you should invoke this method.
- (void)close;
#pragma mark - Collection
- (NSArray *)collections;
- (NyaruCollection *)collection:(NSString *)name;
#pragma mark Remove
- (void)removeCollection:(NSString *)name;
- (void)removeAllCollections;
###NyaruCollection interface
#pragma mark - Index
- (NSArray *)allIndexes;
- (void)createIndex:(NSString *)indexName;
- (void)removeIndex:(NSString *)indexName;
- (void)removeAllindexes;
#pragma mark - Document
// put document
- (NSMutableDictionary *)put:(NSDictionary *)document;
// remove all documents (directly remove files)
- (void)removeAll;
// waiting for data writing
- (void)waitForWriting;
// clear cache
- (void)clearCache;
#pragma mark - Query
- (NyaruQuery *)all;
- (NyaruQuery *)where:(NSString *)indexName equal:(id)value;
- (NyaruQuery *)where:(NSString *)indexName notEqual:(id)value;
- (NyaruQuery *)where:(NSString *)indexName less:(id)value;
- (NyaruQuery *)where:(NSString *)indexName lessEqual:(id)value;
- (NyaruQuery *)where:(NSString *)indexName greater:(id)value;
- (NyaruQuery *)where:(NSString *)indexName greaterEqual:(id)value;
- (NyaruQuery *)where:(NSString *)indexName like:(NSString *)value;
#pragma mark - Count
- (NSUInteger)count;
- (void)countAsync:(void (^)(NSUInteger))handler;
###NyaruQuery interface
#pragma mark - Intersection
- (NyaruQuery *)and:(NSString *)indexName equal:(id)value;
- (NyaruQuery *)and:(NSString *)indexName notEqual:(id)value;
- (NyaruQuery *)and:(NSString *)indexName less:(id)value;
- (NyaruQuery *)and:(NSString *)indexName lessEqual:(id)value;
- (NyaruQuery *)and:(NSString *)indexName greater:(id)value;
- (NyaruQuery *)and:(NSString *)indexName greaterEqual:(id)value;
- (NyaruQuery *)and:(NSString *)indexName like:(NSString *)value;
#pragma mark - Union
- (NyaruQuery *)or:(NSString *)indexName equal:(id)value;
- (NyaruQuery *)or:(NSString *)indexName notEqual:(id)value;
- (NyaruQuery *)or:(NSString *)indexName less:(id)value;
- (NyaruQuery *)or:(NSString *)indexName lessEqual:(id)value;
- (NyaruQuery *)or:(NSString *)indexName greater:(id)value;
- (NyaruQuery *)or:(NSString *)indexName greaterEqual:(id)value;
- (NyaruQuery *)or:(NSString *)indexName like:(NSString *)value;
#pragma mark - Order By
- (NyaruQuery *)orderBy:(NSString *)indexName;
- (NyaruQuery *)orderByDESC:(NSString *)indexName;
#pragma mark - Count
- (NSUInteger)count;
- (void)countAsync:(void (^)(NSUInteger))handler;
#pragma mark - Fetch
- (NSArray *)fetch;
- (NSArray *)fetch:(NSUInteger)limit;
- (NSArray *)fetch:(NSUInteger)limit skip:(NSUInteger)skip;
- (NSMutableDictionary *)fetchFirst;
- (void)fetchAsync:(void (^)(NSArray *))handler;
- (void)fetch:(NSUInteger)limit async:(void (^)(NSArray *))handler;
- (void)fetch:(NSUInteger)limit skip:(NSUInteger)skip async:(void (^)(NSArray *))handler;
- (void)fetchFirstAsync:(void (^)(NSMutableDictionary *))handler;
#pragma mark - Remove
- (void)remove;
- limit length of field name is 255
- limit of documents is 4,294,967,295
- limit of document file size is 4G
- key is unique and it is NSString
- key only provides
search - key is case sensitive
- index is case insensitive
- a field of the document should be same data type which is index
- sort query allow only one
file header ->nyaruko
replace JSONKit with NyaruCollection.serialize() -
file header ->(」・ω・)」うー!(/・ω・)/にゃー!1\n
optimize performance
new query syntax -
file header ->(」・ω・)」うー!(/・ω・)/にゃー! \n