

#CoffeeCocoa Build Status

Kelp https://twitter.com/kelp404
[MIT License][mit]
[MIT]: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php

Run <a href="http://coffeescript.org/" target="_blank">CoffeeScript</a> in Cocoa.
This project runs JavaScript with WebKit not V8. And this version just supports OS X, it may be supported iOS in future.

This idea is from <a href="https://github.com/kelp404/NyaruDB-Control" target="_blank">NyaruDB-Control</a> which is the <a href="https://github.com/kelp404/NyaruDB" target="_blank">NyaruDB</a> management tool. I want to build a tool to execute NyaruDB query syntax.
But Objective-C need to be compiled. It doesn't like Python, Ruby or JavaScript.
This project is for doing that.
Enjoy It :-)


##Data Type It supports NSNull, NSString, NSNumber, NSDate, NSDictionary and NSArray.

NSNumber number, true, false

##Methods ###Eval CoffeeScript

 Eval CoffeeScript.
 @param coffeeScript: CoffeeScript
- (void)evalCoffeeScript:(NSString *)coffeeScript;

 Eval CoffeeScript with callback function.
 You could use `callback(object)` in CoffeeScript to call Objective-C code.
 @param coffeeScript: CoffeeScript
 @param handler: callback handler
- (void)evalCoffeeScript:(NSString *)coffeeScript callback:(void (^)(id object))handler;

###Eval JavaScript

 Eval JavaScript.
 The JavaScript will be eval in the function, like this `(function(){.........}).call(this);`.
 @param javaScript: JavaScript
- (void)evalJavaScript:(NSString *)javaScript;

 Eval JavaScript with callback function.
 You could use `callback(object)` in JavaScript to call Objective-C code.
 The JavaScript will be eval in the function, like this `(function(){.........}).call(this);`.
 @param javaScript: JavaScript
 @param handler: callback handler
- (void)evalJavaScript:(NSString *)javaScript callback:(void (^)(id object))handler;


 Extend a function in JavaScript object;
 @param functionName: javascript function name
 @param objectName: javascript object name
 @param handler: function execute block
 @return: handler id
- (NSNumber *)extendFunction:(NSString *)functionName inObject:(NSString *)objectName handler:(id (^)(id object))handler;


CoffeeCocoa *cc = [CoffeeCocoa new];

NSDate *date = [NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSince1970:0];
NSDictionary *subDict = @{@"title": @"title"};
NSDictionary *obj = @{@"name": @"Kelp",
                      @"number": @10.11,
                      @"null": [NSNull null],
                      @"date": date,
                      @"sub": subDict,
                      @"array": @[@"A", @"B"]};

[cc extendFunction:@"get_object" inObject:@"window" handler:^id(id object) {
    return obj;
[cc evalCoffeeScript:@"func = (obj) ->\n"
 "  callback obj\n"
 "func get_object()"
            callback:^(id object) {
                NSLog(@"%@", object);

##Unittest /CoffeeCocoa/CoffeeCocoaTests
⌘ + U

##Attention Your should copy /CoffeeCocoa/CoffeeCocoa/CoffeeCocoa.bundle into your bundle.