


ESLint sharable config for strict linting on React code.


Install this config package and ESLint:

$ npm install --save-dev eslint-config-strict-react

If you're using npm < v3 you'll also need to install all of the dependencies of this project:

$ npm install --save-dev eslint eslint-plugin-react


This set of configs is meant to be extended on a per-project basis as necessary using ESLint's shareable configs feature.

Simply use strict-react in your extends config to add React linting rules to your project. This can be layered with other eslint rules, for example eslint-config-strict.

How to use

Simply define your .eslintrc (or add a eslintConfig object to package.json) like so:

  "extends": ["strict-react"]

If you are using ES6 with React, you can enable the ES6 variant:

  "extends": ["strict-react/es6"]

Add any additional plugins you want, for example:

  "extends": ["other-config", "strict-react/es6"]

Feel free to define additional globals or rules, or override them as you see fit:

  "extends": ["strict-react/es6"],

  "globals": {
    "blarg": true

  "rules": {
      "react/jsx-boolean-value": 0

For more details about how shareable configs work, see the ESLint documentation.