


This is a script to convert Swift 1.2 documentation comments to new Swift 2.0 format while respecting line length and hanging indents.


$ brew install keith/formulae/swift-doccomment-converter


$ convert-comments [MAX LINE LENGTH] [FILES TO CONVERT...]

Example usage:

You can pass a single file and limit lines to 80 characters:

$ convert-comments 80 path/to/foo.swift

You can also leverage git ls-files to convert all Swift files checked into git and limit them to 110 characters:

$ git ls-files -z "*.swift" | xargs -0 convert-comments 110


Please check everything important into source control before running this script. It could have unexpected side effects.


Unfortunately the Swift 2 conversion tool doesn't handle all the cases of documentation comments I've run into. For example if you have a comment like this:

:param: something This is the comment
                  it is on multiple lines

The Swift conversion tool converts this to:

- parameter something: This is the comment
                  it is on multiple lines

Where the hanging indent is off. Besides this spacing the tool doesn't seem to to catch all cases.