


AoC-rb is a ruby Advent of Code command line utility. Advent of Code is a yearly programming challenge that takes place in december. It allows you to focus on solving the puzzles, not on the manual details:

How to use aoc-cli ?

Once you have installed the project, there are 2 main commands. The other one are utilities.

aoc boostrap YEAR DAY

aoc bootstrap is a way to get started playing a given day. It downloads the input file, creates a sample source file for that day, as well as a spec file.

Here is an example that gets started playing the first day of year 2018 : ./aoc bootstrap 2018 1 It will create the input file in the ``

├── input
│   └── 2018
│       └── day-01
├── spec
│   ├── spec_helper.rb
│   └── year2018
│       └── day01_spec.rb
└── src
    └── year2018
        └── day01.rb

The src/year/2018/day01.rb is simple but it contains all you need: 2 methods, part1 and part2, that take as parameter the content of the input file, and return the expected value.

module Year2018
  class Day01
    # input is the content of the input file.
    # part1 should return the answer to the first part of that day 
    def part1(input)

    def part2(input)

aoc run YEAR DAY

If you run your solution with aoc-run, aoc-cli takes care of loading the input file and measuring the execution time for you.

./aoc run 2018 1      
Result for part 1:
(obtained in 2.1908000235271174e-05 seconds)

no result for part 2

other commands

There are 3 other commands you may want to use:



You are done ! You should now be able to download the input file by running the aoc command.