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The <code>anonymous</code> script from ParrotSec and BackBox, perfected to run on Kali Linux Rolling.
Supported platforms:
<h5>Kali Linux<sup>*</sup></h5> <hr /> <h6><sup>*</sup>Other Debian-based Linux distros may work, but this was designed for Kali.</h6>
What is it?
<code>anonymous</code> was a script included in both Parrot Security OS and BackBox Linux which would allow users to change [spoof] their MAC Address, change their hostname, and transparently route traffic through Tor (The Onion Router) to provide anonymity for the user.
I have edited the code so it will work better with Kali Linux, a great penetration testing- and security- based Linux distro that does <i>not</i> come with <code>anonymous</code>.
How to use it
Firstly, <code>clone</code> the repository and then <code>cd</code> into it:
git clone
cd kali-anonymous
In order to install <code>kali-anonymous</code>, run this simple command below when in the <code>kali-anonymous</code> directory. This will automate the install process:
chmod +x setup
sudo ./setup
This will run a script that installs Tor and the other necessary files for <code>anonymous</code> to work.
<hr><code>sudo anonymous</code> for basic info.
<code>sudo anonymous start</code> to start <code>anonymous</code>
<code>sudo anonymous stop</code> to stop <code>anonymous</code>
<code>sudo anonymous status</code> for <code>anonymous</code>'s status
<code>sudo anonymous update</code> to update <code>anonymous</code>