

What is the benchmarkfdr-shiny Application?

This is a Shiny App for exploring results from "A practical guide to methods controlling false discoveries in computational biology" by Korthauer, Kimes et al. (2019). In this paper, we generated results from a series of case studies of high-throughput biology, as well as extensive simulation using both resampling techniques and direct simulation of RNA-seq counts using Polyester. This tool enables interactive exploration of these results.

What kinds of things can I explore?

The tool provides evaluation plots for case studies:

<br> <center> <img src="img/screenshot2.png" alt="Screenshot 2" width="700" align="middle"/> </center> <br><br>

For the yeast in silico resampling experiments and Polyester simulation studies (over 100 replications):

<br> <center> <img src="img/screenshot1.png" alt="Screenshot 1" width="700" align="middle"/> </center> <br><br>

For each of these plots, you can toggle between different selections of:

How do I run this App?

1. First, make sure you have the following packages installed:

devtools::install_github("areyesq89/SummarizedBenchmark", ref = "fdrbenchmark") 

Note that newer versions of the SummarizedBenchmark package are not compatible, so make sure to use the specific tagged version above. The benchmarkfdrData2019 Bioconductor package contains the results objects used by the App.

2. Next launch the app:
