

<div align="center"> <p></p><p></p> <p> <img src="images/kcl-logo.png"> </p> </div>


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This repo contains a collection of KCL examples, the documents are at here.


Example List

ConfigurationKCL configuration examples, including simple key value pairs and dynamic parameters.
MutationKCL data mutation examples, including writing KCL code to mutate the replicas field in the KRM
ValidationKCL data validation examples, including writing KCL files to validate JSON, YAML, and other data.
AbstractionKCL abstract examples, including using application models to abstract Docker Compose and Kubernetes resources.
Data IntegrationKCL data integration examples, including integrating JSON and YAML data.
AutomationKCL automation examples, including how to use the KCL API to automatically modify and delete configurations.
Package ManagementKCL package management examples, including how to use kcl package manage tool to manage your KCL project, e.g., add dependencies, publish packages, and more.
KubernetesKCL Kubernetes examples, including how to use KCL to generate, validate and mutate Kubernetes resources.
CI/CD IntegrationsKCL CI/CD integration examples, including Github actions, Gitlab CI, etc.
GitOpsKCL GitOps examples, including the end-to-end app and infra developing and development automaticly with KCL
App2KubeGenerate kube manifests (deployment, service, ingress) from small deploy.yaml files.
KonfigKCL Konfig examples, including a mono repository of the infra and app configuration with KCL
KRM KCLKRM KCL examples, including examples on the KCL package registry including abstraction, mutation and validation
More modulesKCL Community Modules


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