What Is This?
This is an Enigma simulator. In C. So you can throw it into Ghidra and run PCode Emulation on it.
Have GCC. Run make. Defaults to thinking you're on x86 64 bit, but just runs GCC.
If you want to build for a different architecture, make ARCH=aarch64
for instance. Supported architectures are aarch64, x86, armel, and powerpc. The default tools that get used are from Debian's "crossbuild-essential" series, so on Deb/Ubuntu install those with apt install crossbuild-essential-ARCHITECTURE
Usage: ./enigma.x64 key rotor\_order swaps enc/dec\_text
key - 3 characters, the initial settings on the rotors
rotor_order - 3 digits, the rotors to use. 1, 2, 3,
and 5 implemented.
swaps - An even number of characters, where each
pair is swapped on the plugboard.
enc/dec_text - The text to encode or decode.
This is based on the work of Emily Willson and the NSA,