

<h3 align="center"> React UIkit Components </h3> <p align="center"> A Collection of React components using the <a href=http://getuikit.com/>UIkit CSS framework</a> </p> <p> The master branch for each component has been updated to React 15. To use with React 0.14 checkout the 0.14 branch of the respective module, from its old home. </p>


View the doc site here


This repository is a monorepo that is managed using Lerna. Every react-uikit-module on npm is contained in this repository.

react-uikit-alertnpm Defines styles for success, warning and error messages.
react-uikit-articlenpm Create articles within your page.
react-uikit-badgenpm Easily create nicely looking badges to label and highlight your content.
react-uikit-basenpm Create react components for UIKit.
react-uikit-blocknpm Separate content sections by bundling them in blocks.
react-uikit-breadcrumbnpm Create breadcrumbs to show users their location within a website.
react-uikit-buttonnpm Easily create nice looking buttons, which come in different styles.
react-uikit-button-groupnpm Easily create nice looking group buttons.
react-uikit-codeblocknpm Displays code inside of a block.
react-uikit-commentnpm Create comments, for example for articles.
react-uikit-comment-listnpm Create comment lists, for discussion or comment threads.
react-uikit-dropdownnpm Defines different styles for dropdowns.
react-uikit-flexnpm Utilise the power of Flexbox to create a wide range of layouts.
react-uikit-formnpm Easily create forms. (Compatible with Redux Form v5 and v6)
react-uikit-gridnpm Create a fully responsive, fluid and nestable grid layout.
react-uikit-iconsnpm Place vector icons anywhere using the Icons component.
react-uikit-imgnpm Easily create responsive images.
react-uikit-img-gallerynpm Create gallery of images.
react-uikit-listnpm Dynamically creates lists.
react-uikit-modalnpm Displays dialogs prompts.
react-uikit-navnpm Defines different styles for list navigations.
react-uikit-notenpm Easily add notes to content.
react-uikit-notifynpm Toggleable notifications that can be animated and postioned on various edges of the screen.
react-uikit-overlaynpm Create an image overlay. Useful for galleries or preview links.
react-uikit-panelnpm Create layout boxes with different styles.
react-uikit-placeholdernpm Create a placeholder space that can be used for uploading files via drag and drop.
react-uikit-progressnpm Defines different styles for progress bars.
react-uikit-tablenpm Create nice looking tables.
react-uikit-textnpm A collection of useful text components to style your content.
react-uikit-thumbnailnpm Create different thumbnail images, which come in various styles and sizes.
react-uikit-triggernpm Description needed :P