


Convert PAGE (v. 2019) to ALTO (v. 2.0 - 4.2)



This software converts PAGE XML files to the ALTO XML OCR result format. It enables using PAGE XML generating software in a context where ALTO is needed to display the results, i.e. in libraries.


In a Python virtualenv:

make install     # or pip install .
# or to install from PyPI
pip install ocrd_page_to_alto


To convert the PAGE XML document example.xml to ALTO:

page-to-alto example.xml > example.alto.xml

You can get an exhaustive list of page-to-alto's many options with --help:

<details><summary>CLI</summary> <p> <pre> Usage: page-to-alto [OPTIONS] FILENAME Convert PAGE to ALTO Options: -l, --log-level [OFF|ERROR|WARN|INFO|DEBUG|TRACE] Log level --alto-version [4.2|4.1|4.0|3.1|3.0|2.1|2.0] Choose version of ALTO-XML schema to produce (older versions may not preserve all features) --check-words / --no-check-words Check whether PAGE-XML contains any Words and fail if not --check-border / --no-check-border Check whether PAGE-XML contains Border or PrintSpace --skip-empty-lines / --no-skip-empty-lines Whether to omit or keep empty lines in PAGE- XML --trailing-dash-to-hyp / --no-trailing-dash-to-hyp Whether to add a <HYP/> element if the last word in a line ends in "-" --dummy-textline / --no-dummy-textline Whether to create a TextLine for regions that have TextEquiv/Unicode but no TextLine --dummy-word / --no-dummy-word Whether to create a Word for TextLine that have TextEquiv/Unicode but no Word --textequiv-index INTEGER If multiple textequiv, use the n-th TextEquiv by @index --textequiv-fallback-strategy [raise|first|last] What to do if nth textequiv isn't available. 'raise' will lead to a runtime error, 'first' will use the first TextEquiv, 'last' will use the last TextEquiv on the element -O, --output-file FILE Output filename (or "-" for standard output, the default) -h, --help Show this message and exit. </pre> </p> </details>

To process an OCR-D workspace, use ocrd_fileformat, which uses page-to-alto by default:

ocrd-fileformat-transform -I OCRD-OCR-OUTPUT-PAGE -O OCRD-OCR-OUTPUT-ALTO \
  -P script-args "--dummy-word --no-check-words --no-check-border"