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Chikamichi - Quickly find a page

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Chikamichi is an extension that makes navigating pages in Chrome or Firefox very easy. You can search and navigate across your browser history, bookmarks and tabs. Simple shortcuts and a simple interface make it easy to use.

Inspired by the Sidekick search dialogue. The Japanese meaning of chikamichi is shorter way.

✨ Features

🎬 Demo


📦 Install

Please install from:

💻 Usage


Alt + kOpen search dialog
or (Ctrl + n or Ctrl + p)Select history
EnterOpen the selected url
Ctrl + EnterOpen the selected url in new tab
Ctrl + fAdd favorite
Ctrl + cCopy URL to the clipboard

Search commands

/hSearch only histories
/bSearch only bookmarks
/tSearch only tabs


Items with a star to the right of the search item are registered as favorites. Items registered as favorites will be displayed in the initial view. However, if a search prefix has been set, the search prefix will take precedence.

👨‍💻 Contributing

Contributions are welcome 🎉 We accept contributions via Pull Requests.

See this guide on how to make a contribution.

💕 Thanks

This extension uses the following library.