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ggRtsy <img src="man/figures/logo.png" align="right" height="139" />

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The ‘ggRtsy’ package works with ‘ggplot2’ to add an additional color palette to the user’s repertoire. This is the goghColors dataset, which contains the RGB and hex codes of colors picked from Van Gogh paintings. It has been broken down into an easy-to-use color palette based on Van Gogh’s most famous paintings, in the gogh_palettes_pop list.

Functions within the package:

It also has a function that work alongside ggplot to create more interesting data visualizations and add contextual information to the user’s plots.

Usage example

Using Hex Codes from the dataset goghColors, three colors were added on top of a ggplot() sample scatter plot. Based on the plot, the function automatically calculated three equal widths of the rectangles, and stretched them to upper and lower bounds on the y-axis.

RectangleFiller(plotExample, c("#e32636", "#9966cc", "#f4c2c2"))

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Continuous scale_color_gogh() example using the cafeTerrace color palette:

ggplot(exampleData, aes(x = height, y = mass, color = birth_year)) +
  geom_point(size = 3) +
  scale_color_gogh(palette = "cafeTerrace", discrete = FALSE, reverse = TRUE) +

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Discrete scale_fill_gogh() example using the almondBlossoms color palette:

ggplot(storms, aes(x = category, fill = status)) +
  geom_bar() +
  scale_fill_gogh(palette = "almondBlossoms", discrete = TRUE, reverse = FALSE) +

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This package also comes with rgbToHex(), converting rgb colors into hex code colors.

rgbToHex(c("(225, 104, 39)", "(60, 90, 202)"))
#> [1] "#e16827" "#3c5aca"

Installation instructions

Get the development version from GitHub:

# Install remotes if needed:
# install.packages("remotes")

And load it with



starryNight = ‘#23338C’, ‘#30478C’, ‘#5377A6’, ‘#BDBF7E’, ‘#BFA72C’

<img src="https://uploads4.wikiart.org/00142/images/vincent-van-gogh/the-starry-night.jpg!Large.jpg" width="400" />

sunflowers = ‘#74A629’, ‘#F2EB80’, ‘#F2E085’, ‘#BF9821’, ‘#A6681C’

<img src="https://uploads7.wikiart.org/images/vincent-van-gogh/still-life-vase-with-fifteen-sunflowers-1888-1.jpg!Large.jpg" width="400" />

selfPortrait = ‘#021F59’, ‘#63A5BF’, ‘#8C701C’, ‘#BF9B6F’, ‘#730202’

<img src="https://uploads8.wikiart.org/images/vincent-van-gogh/self-portrait-1889-1.jpg!Large.jpg" width="400" />

wheatField = ‘#73A9D9’, ‘#477332’, ‘#D9B13B’, ‘#D98E32’, ‘#A66329’

<img src="https://uploads4.wikiart.org/images/vincent-van-gogh/wheat-field-with-cypresses-at-the-haude-galline-near-eygalieres-1889-2.jpg!Large.jpg" width="400" />

cafeTerrace = ‘#2A6BBF’, ‘#3F6CA6’, ‘#F2C84B’, ‘#D99036’, ‘#BF6734’

<img src="https://uploads2.wikiart.org/images/vincent-van-gogh/cafe-terrace-place-du-forum-arles-1888(1).jpg!Large.jpg" width="400" />

rhoneStarry = ‘#073359’, ‘#27668C’, ‘#5A98BF’, ‘#60734D’, ‘#A3A658’

<img src="https://uploads0.wikiart.org/00175/images/vincent-van-gogh/starry-night-over-the-rhone.jpg!Large.jpg" width="400" />

irises = ‘#415AA6’, ‘#6382BF’, ‘#65A67C’, ‘#8CA653’, ‘#A66D58’

<img src="https://uploads0.wikiart.org/00213/images/vincent-van-gogh/antique-3840759.jpg!Large.jpg" width="400" />

almondBlossoms = ‘#236E8C’, ‘#20788C’, ‘#49B3BF’, ‘#41BFBF’, ‘#BDBF75’

<img src="https://uploads6.wikiart.org/images/vincent-van-gogh/branches-with-almond-blossom-1890(1).jpg!Large.jpg" width="400" />

See also