

<img src="gh_logo_js.png" />

neffos.js is the client-side javascript library for the neffos real-time framework.

It can run through any modern browser, browserify and nodejs.

Node version JavaScript Style Guide: Good Parts Known Vulnerabilities chat backend pkg



$ npm install --save neffos.js
import * as neffos from `neffos.js`



<script src="//cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/neffos.js@latest/dist/neffos-es5.js"></script>

Remember to replace the version part with the exact release your project depends upon.

The ES5 version supports CommonJS loader and also exports globally as neffos.

Install Definition File

The definition file for javascript developers is part of the DefinitelyTyped.

$ npm i @types/neffos.js

This libray is written in Typescript and the types/index.d.ts definition file is part of the npm install. The library offers full documentation of all of its exported methods. Tools like VS Code supports syntax highlighting and autocompletion while typing. The definition file can be very helpful mostly for Pure JavaScript developers.


Navigate through ./_examples for basic usage, and kataras/neffos/_examples for extensive use.


Node version

Read more about Semantic Versioning 2.0.0