

OUTCOME - zig-pkg support

Unit tests Zig (embedded) Unit tests Zig Unit tests Zig (msvc)

CTest dashboard: https://my.cdash.org/index.php?project=Boost.Outcome

All tests passing source tarballs: https://github.com/ned14/outcome/releases

Documentation: https://ned14.github.io/outcome/

Purpose of this library

Outcome is a C++14 library for reporting and handling function failures. It can be used as a substitute for, or a complement to, the exception handling mechanism.

One use case is for contexts where using C++ exception handling is unsuitable for different reasons:

Usage as a single header file

Outcome v2 comes in single header file form. This is regenerated per commit. To fetch on Linux:

wget https://github.com/kassane/outcome/raw/develop/single-header/outcome.hpp


fetch https://github.com/kassane/outcome/raw/develop/single-header/outcome.hpp

If you have curl installed:

curl -O -J -L https://github.com/kassane/outcome/raw/develop/single-header/outcome.hpp

Otherwise, simply download the raw file from above and place it wherever it suits you. If you might be debugging using Microsoft Visual Studio, you may find the debugger visualisation file at https://github.com/kassane/outcome/raw/develop/include/outcome/outcome.natvis useful to include into your build.

Commits and tags in this git repository can be verified using:

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