



You probably use vim-tmux-navigator and wonder if you could further blur the line between tmux and nvim panes. With this plugin you could by extending the use of :only to minimise/close tmux panes on your current window as well.

With a keybind you'll minimise all unfocused nvim panes to buffer and either move all other tmux panes to new window or simply delete them (or just config different keys for different actions).


Installation and Setup

Install using your favorite plugin manager. For example, using lazy.nvim:

{  'karshPrime/only-tmux.nvim',
    event = 'VeryLazy',
    config = { new_window_name = "session" } -- optional


-- move nvim panes to buffer and close unfocused tmux panes
vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>o', ':TMUXonly close<CR>', { silent = true })

-- move nvim panes to buffer and move unfocused tmux panes to new window
vim.keymap.set('n', '<leader>O', ':TMUXonly move<CR>', { silent = true })