



This custom lovelace card is ment to display timers and their countdowns in a circular arc plot using D3.js. Unfortunately, the required D3.js and Lit modules are all imported via CDN, which is not optimal from performance point of view.



  1. Download circular-timer-card.js as save to your desired destination
  2. Add circular-timer-card.js to your Lovelace resources as a Javascript module


This custom card has been submitted to be added to HACS repository, as soon at is will be available, this section will be updated!



Tap action will toggle the timer


Hold (>1 sec) action will open more-info dialog for the timer


Double tap will cancel (reset) timer


Sample screenshot Sample screenshot Sample screenshot Sample screenshot

Available options

All following options which support colors can also be used with hexadecimal color identifier with opacity!

entitystringrequired-Timer entity ID
binsintoptional36Number of bins (arcs).
pad_anglefloatoptional1Seperating angle between each individual arc in degrees.
corner_radiusfloatoptional4Radius for rounded arc corners.
colorarray of stringsoptionalColor array used for filling remaining timer arc units. If array contains only single value, that color will be used to fill the whole timer, otherwise linear gradient will be created.
color_statebooleanoptionalIf set to true it will color remaining time in the middle of card with current state color from gradient.
empty_bar_colorstringoptionalColor for timer arcs which are inactive, by default they gave opacity of 0, therefore they are not visible.
secondary_info_sizestring or intoptional50% for cicle or 80% for minimalCSS size for secondary info (Friendly name of timer).
layoutstringoptionalcircleLayout mode for the card. Available options are "circle" or "minimal". Minimal layout is supposed to create bar timer similar in style to Mushroom cards.
namestringoptionalEntity friendly nameName to be displayed. Can be a string or "none".
iconstringoptionalEtity IconIcon to be displayed in minimal layout. Can be a standard icon (e.g. "mdi:motion-sensor") or "none".
directionstringoptionalcountdownDirection of the timer. Can be "countdown" or "countup".
primary_infostringoptionalnamePrimary information to be displayed. Can be a "none", "name" or "timer".
secondary_infostringoptionaltimerSecondary information to be displayed. Can be a "none", "name" or "timer".
tap_actionstringoptionaltoggleAction triggered on a single tap. Can be a "none", "toggle", "more_info" or "cancel".
hold_actionstringoptionalmore_infoAction triggered on holding. Can be a "none", "toggle", "more_info" or "cancel".
double_tap_actionstringoptionalcancelAction triggered on a double tap. Can be a "none", "toggle", "more_info" or "cancel".


type: custom:circular-timer-card
entity: timer.single
bins: 60
  - '#1e7883'
  - '#a9bdbb'
  - '#ee7256'

With minimal layout instead of circle:

type: custom:circular-timer-card
entity: timer.minute
bins: 30
  - '#1e7883'
  - '#a9bdbb'
  - '#ee7256'
layout: minimal
color_state: true