


GUI GFM markdown table editor with stdin-stdout.

demo animation of gif


For Mac, there is binary drop in Releases

Also, there is homebrew tap for mdvtbl. You can install follwoing way.

$ brew tap karino2/tap
$ brew install karino2/tap/mdvtbl


If you see the error saying

A fatal error occurred. The required library libhostfxr.dylib could not be found.

You need to set DOTNET_ROOT like following (in .zshrc or .bashrc, etc.)

$ export DOTNET_ROOT="$(brew --prefix)/opt/dotnet/libexec"


mdvtbl read from stdin. So just execute this command wait forever.

If you have no markdown, use empty echo like this.

$ echo | mdvtbl

If you have markdown table file, you can use cat and pipe.

$ cat table.md | mdvtbl

How to make first row title

At upper left corner of the table, there is a menu for changing title behaviour. You select "With heading", the first row becomes title row.

Tips for mac (clipboard)

mdvtbl is designed to use with clipboard.

In mac, I write following shell script named cbtbl.command (file extension matters)

#!/usr/bin/env zsh

pbpaste | mdvtbl | pbcopy

Then, you can edit in your favorite editor or textarea in following way:

  1. Select markdown table region in your editor that you want to edit
  2. Cmd+C
  3. Launch cbtbl.command via Spotlight
  4. Edit table in GUI
  5. Press Done
  6. Cmd+V in editor.

Known problem

Copy-paste keyboard shortcut is not working yet. To fix this problem, photino menu implementation is necessary.

Please use right-click menu for a while.

Open source libraries

mdvcat uses following libraries.