

External SVG Sprite

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A loader and plugin for webpack that converts all your SVGs into symbols and merges them into a SVG sprite.

Important: There is a breaking change when moving from v3 to v4. Check the release notes.


You will need NodeJS v6+, npm v3+ and webpack 4.

To make it work in older browsers, like Internet Explorer, you will also need SVG for Everybody or svgxuse.


npm i external-svg-sprite-loader


yarn add external-svg-sprite-loader


Loader options

Plugin options


If you have the following webpack configuration:

// webpack.config.js

import path from 'path';

import SvgStorePlugin from 'external-svg-sprite-loader';

module.exports = {
    mode: 'development',
    module: {
        rules: [
                loader: SvgStorePlugin.loader,
                test: /\.svg$/,
    output: {
        path: path.join(__dirname, 'public'),
        publicPath: '/',
    plugins: [
        new SvgStorePlugin({
            sprite: {
                startX: 10,
                startY: 10,
                deltaX: 20,
                deltaY: 20,
                iconHeight: 20,

You will be able to import your SVG files in your JavaScript files as shown below. The imported SVG will always correspond to a JavaScript object with keys symbol, view and viewBox:

The URLs will have the following format:

 * {
 *  symbol: '/public/img/sprite.svg#icon-logo',
 *  view: '/public/img/sprite.svg#view-icon-logo',
 *  viewBox: '0 0 150 100',
 *  title: 'Logo'
 * }
import logo from './images/logo.svg';

const Logo = () => (
   <svg viewBox={logo.viewBox} title={logo.title} role="img">
       <use xlinkHref={logo.symbol} />

In CSS files, you can import your SVG files as shown bellow (assuming you are using the MiniCssExtractPlugin). The imported value will be converted into the view url shown above.

.special-icon {
    /* the url will be replaced with the url to the sprite */
    background-image: url('./icons/special.svg') no-repeat 0;

When a SVG is added, removed or changed, the sprite will be re-generated and all files referencing it will be updated. When no [contenthash] is used in the name option, a cache-busting will be added to the URL so that the browser is forced to re-download the sprite.


You can find working examples in the examples folder. To test the React example under the examples/react folder run:

npm install
npm run start:dev

And then you can see the result in http://localhost:3000.

There's some additional commands that you may try:


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Thank you!


MIT (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php)