


Nothing is forever. Except the Internet.

Automatically delete tweets, retweets, and favorites.

Heavily based on https://github.com/victoriadrake/ephemeral.

How it works

Depending on the schedule you set, this bot will:

You can set DRY_RUN=true to print all actions it will take instead of actually deleting tweets.

The tool does not take into account Twitter rate limits, but it does sleep for a few seconds between each Twitter API call.


Copy and create a prod.env from template.env. Look at comments for values (then delete the comments).

Build and Run


Set ENV_FILE_PATH to the file that contains the env vars.

$ ENV_FILE_PATH=sandbox.env go run main.go


Set ENV_FILE_PATH to the file that contains the env vars. Set GOOS to your target platform.

$ GOOS=linux go build -ldflags="-d -s -w" -o fleets main.go && chmod +x fleets
$ ENV_FILE_PATH=sandbox.env ./fleets


You can use cron to run the script. Example to run it every day at 4pm:

DATEVAR=date +%Y-%m-%d
0 16 * * * ENV_FILE_PATH=/home/prod.env /home/fleets >> /home/cron-$($DATEVAR).log 2>&1