


:warning: deprecated - see express-dom version >= 6 to prerender web pages using playwright.

Pilot webkitgtk from Node.js with a simple API.

Also offers a command-line REPL, able to display (or not) the current window, output pdf or png, see webkitgtk --help, and several example calls in examples/repl.sh.

Falls back to jsdom if the module cannot be compiled (with obvious limitations like inability to render the DOM nor output png or pdf).

Typically, express-dom can run on webkitgtk's jsdom mode - developers can work on other platforms where jsdom builds fine.

this module uses only system-installed, shared libraries it doesn't embed static libraries, meaning it plugs very nicely into system-installed libraries.

Node.js compatibility

Node.js LTS and Current.


The API has two styles:

For convenience, the returned promises have bound methods once, on, when.

These calls will output pdf/png version of fully loaded pages (see documentation below about idle event).

Pdf output from cli:

webkitgtk --pdf test.pdf \
 --paper 210x297 \
 --margins 20,20,20,20 \
 --unit mm \

Png output from cli:

webkitgtk --png test.png http://nasa.gov
var WebKit = require('webkitgtk');
var fs = require('fs');

// optional, if nothing is set, defaults to :0
var displayOpts = {
  width: 1024,
  height: 768,
  display: "99"

// old-style creation
var view = new WebKit();
view.init(displayOpts).then(function() {
  view.load(uri, {
    style: fs.readFileSync('css/png.css') // useful stylesheet for snapshots
  view.when('load', function() {
    return this.png('test.png');

// short-hand can init display and load
WebKit.load(uri, {
  display: displayOpts, // optional, defaults to :0
  style: fs.readFileSync('css/png.css') // useful stylesheet for snapshots
}).once('idle', function() {
  this.png('test.png'); // this is always the created instance in listeners
  // ...

A facility for choosing/spawning a display using xvfb

// this spawns xvfb instance
// new-style creation
WebKit("1024x768x16:99", function(err, w) {
  w.load("http://github.com", function(err) {
    w.png('test.png', function(err) {
      // done

// this uses a pre-existing display
WebKit(98, function(err, w) {

// use pre-existing display 0 by default
Webkit(function(err, w) {
  w.load("http://webkitgtk.org", function(err) {
    w.html(function(err, str) {

Asynchronous (life) event handlers

.load("http://localhost/test", {content: "<html><body></body></html>"})
.when("ready", function(cb) {
  this.run(function(className, done) {
    setTimeout(function() {
    }, 100);
  }, 'testClass', cb);
.when("ready", function(cb) {
  setTimeout(cb, 100);
.when("idle", function() {
  // promise variant

See test/ for more examples.

use cases

This module is specifically designed to run 'headless'. Patches are welcome for UI uses, though.

load(uri, opts, cb) options

init(opts, cb) options

init(display) can be called instead of passing an object.

If width, height, depth options are given, an xvfb instance listening given display port will be spawned using headless module. Wrapping the application with xvfb-run command line tool is a safe(r) alternative.

pdf() options

If you plan to author html pages for printing, i strongly suggest to set an html document width in pixels equal to the paper width at 144 dpi (example: 1190px for iso_a4 portrait). Also never forget that 1in = 2.54cm = 25.4mm = 72pt = 6pc. See Units


All events are on the WebKit instance.

These are lifecycle events:

These events happen once and in that order.

A new busy event can happen after idle event: it tracks further activity after idling state, caused by any of:

It can be used to track updates done by XHR, or long timeouts executed after page load.

Registering a listener for an event that already happened immediately calls the new listener.

These events can happen at any moment:




DEBUG=webkitgtk node myscript.js to print all logs.

In a production environment, it could be useful to set the init option verbose = true or, equivalently, the environment variables DEBUG=webkitgtk:timeout,webkitgtk:error,webkitgtk:warn

This will keep the page running, output console to terminal, and open a gtk window with inspector open:

WebKit({debug: true, verbose: true}, function(err, w) {
  w.load(url, {console: true});

For debugging of node-webkitgtk itself, please read ./DEBUG.

about plugins

Update: webkit2gtk >= 2.32 no longer loads those plugins

In webkit2gtk >= 2.4.4, if there are plugins in /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins they are initialized (but not necessarily enabled on the WebView), and that could impact first page load time greatly (seconds !) - especially if there's a java plugin.

Workaround: uninstall the plugin, on my dev machine it was /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/libjavaplugin.so installed by icedtea.


Linux only.

Compatible with webkitgtk (WebKit2) versions 2.8 and above.

It's usually a better idea to use latest stable webkit2gtk.

These libraries and their development files must be available in usual locations.

Also usual development tools are needed (pkg-config, gcc, and so on).

On debian/jessie, these packages will pull necessary dependencies:

On fedora/21:

On ubuntu/14: try the WebKit team ppa


MIT, see LICENSE file