

create-kaplay 🦖

A CLI tool to create a new KAPLAY project in no time.

It will create a project template using Vite, this will give you:

If you want to package your game for desktop, you can use the --desktop option to enable Tauri support. Follow the Tauri prerequisites guide to get started.


# quick start with default config
create-kaplay mygame

# calling with options
create-kaplay --typescript --desktop mygame


create-kaplay [OPTIONS] <dir>


-h, --help             Print help message
-t, --typescript       Use TypeScript
-d, --desktop          Enable packaging for desktop release (uses tauri and requires rust to be installed)
-e, --example <name>   Start from an example listed on play.kaplayjs.com
-s  --spaces <level>   Use spaces instead of tabs for generated files
-v, --version <label>  Use a specific kaplay version (default latest)
-verb, --verbose       Print additional information