

Circular Layout Manager


A library for Android which essentially contains a Custom Layout Manager for Recycler View which lays out its child views in circular or elliptical fashion.

An implementation of a scroll wheel is built which enables the user to scroll the list with a circular motion of the finger.

Circular Constraint Layout is provided to clip the layout containing recycler view into an ellipse or a circle.




Project Details

Circular layout manager extends RecyclerView.LayoutManager directly. Scrolling, laying out child views, incorporating decorations and margins, scaling, centering are some of the things that are handled.

The latest version is written in Kotlin and uses AndroidX components.


Additional Features:



Use the following dependency snippet in your app level build.gradle file to include this library in your project:

dependencies {
    implementation 'com.github.kapil93:circular-layout-manager:2.0.0'
