


This is the top level project for the GlobalPlatform library for providing access to OpenPlatform 2.0.1' and GlobalPlatform 2.1.1 conforming smart cards and later, the command line shell GPShell using the GlobalPlatform library and the PC/SC connection plugin for the GlobalPlatform Library.

Pre-build Packages

There are Homebrew package for Linux and MacOS

Windows binaries can be downloaded from the GitHub release page or from SourceForge.

Please read also the manual of GPShell if you are interested in the command line or use the installed man page with man gpshell under Unix like systems. There are several script examples available. See the .txt files or look into the local file systems under (/usr/ | /home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/) share/doc/gpshell1/.


Clone the project from GitHub or download the zip file (also available under the Clone tab).

Consult the individual sub projects for further instructions and prerequisites. It is also possible to compile the sub projects individually.


Use a suitable packet manager for your OS or install the programs and libraries manually if applicable.


Install the dependencies with brew or your distribution's package manager:

brew install openssl doxygen pandoc cmake cmocka zlib graphviz pcsc-lite


apt-get install libssl-dev doxygen cmake libcmocka0 zlib1g-dev graphviz pcscd libpcsclite-dev pkg-config


NOTE: If using Homebrew in parallel and having not used Homebrew for installing the dependencies but the distribution's package manager then several tools and libraries can be hidden by Homebrew or are not installed in Homebrew (pkgconfig, PC/SC Lite, cmocka, ...). One option is to install these tools and libraries with brew or remove the Homebrew path from the PATH variable temporarily (which should be ./home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/bin:/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/sbin).

cd \path\to\globalplatform
cmake .
make doc
make install

NOTE: The Homebrew version of pcsc-lite is not a fully functional version. It is missing the USB drivers and is also not started as a system service. The distribution's version of pcscd should be installed. Under Linux the Homebrew version of pcsc-lite must be unlinked:

brew remove --ignore-dependencies pcsc-lite


The compilation was executed on a system with Homebrew as package manager.

Install the dependencies with brew:

brew install openssl@3 doxygen cmocka pandoc cmake graphviz


It is necessary to set the OPENSSL_ROOT_DIR. In case of the usage of Homebrew this works:

cd \path\to\globalplatform
cmake . -DCMAKE_C_COMPILER=/usr/bin/gcc -DOPENSSL_ROOT_DIR=$(brew --prefix openssl@3)
make install

NOTE: CMAKE_C_COMPILER is required if Xcode is installed. CMake would favor the Xcode compiler leading to potential runtime errors.


Install the dependencies with Chocolatey in an administrator's PowerShell or install the dependencies manually:

choco install cmake doxygen.install graphviz


Launch Visual Studio Command Prompt / Developer Command Prompt / Developer PowerShell.

It will be necessary to set the ZLIB_ROOT and CMOCKA_ROOT and OPENSSL_ROOT_DIR. Use the pre-built versions of the project for convenience.

cd \path\to\globalplatform
cmake -G "NMake Makefiles" -DOPENSSL_ROOT_DIR="C:\Program Files (x86)\OpenSSL-Win32" -DZLIB_ROOT="C:\Users\john\Desktop\globalplatform\zlib-1.2.8\win32-build" -DCMOCKA_ROOT="C:\Users\john\Desktop\globalplatform\cmocka-cmocka-1.1.5\build-w32"



make/nmake doc

Binary Packages


    make/nmake package

Source Packages


make/nmake package_source

Debug Builds

To be able to debug the library enable the debug symbols:

cmake . -DDEBUG=ON


To generate the tests execute:

make test

NOTE: On Windows: When using the Visual Studio command line the neccessary mock functions are not supported by the linker and tests cannot be executed.

Debug Output

The variable GLOBALPLATFORM_DEBUG=1 in the environment must be set. The logfile can be set with GLOBALPLATFORM_LOGFILE=<file>. Under Windows by default C:\Temp\GlobalPlatform.log is chosen, under Unix systems if syslog is available it will be used by default. The default log file under Unix systems is /tmp/GlobalPlatform.log if syslog is not available.

GitHub Documentation

The GitHub documentation is located under the docs folder and is using Jekyll.


cd docs
gem uninstall jekyll
# select all
gem install jekyll -v 3.9.0
gem uninstall bundler
gem install bundler
bundle update github-pages

Useful commands inside the docs folder:


For issues please use the GitHub issue tracker.

You can also use the Mailing List or ask a question on Stack Overflow assigning the tags gpshell or globalplatform.