

Rational LAMOL

Lifelong learning (LL) aims to train a neural network on a stream of tasks while retaining knowledge from previous tasks. However, many prior attempts in NLP still suffer from the catastrophic forgetting issue, where the model completely forgets what it just learned in the previous tasks. In this paper, we introduce Rational LAMOL, a novel end-to-end LL framework for language models. In order to alleviate catastrophic forgetting, Rational LAMOL enhances LAMOL, a recent LL model, by applying critical freezing guided by human rationales. When the human rationales are not available, we propose exploiting unsupervised generated rationales as substitutions.

** code mostly taken from LAMOL **


The datasets used in the experiment are Bool-Q, Movie Reviews, and SciFact.

DatasetDownload Link
Movie ReviewsERASER


Model training directly follows that of LAMOL's with a few distinctions.

Block level

To freeze critical block, run train_freeze_block.py with an additional argument --layer_to_freeze $LAYER where $LAYER is a transformer block index between 0-11.

Head level

To freeze critical heads, modify this line. The format of critical heads to be subjected to freezing is (layer_idx,[head_idx]) e.g. (1,[1,2,3]) means heads indices 1,2,3 of layer index 1 will be kept frozen.

Critical Component Identification (CCI)

To identify critical component, run run_critical_freezing.py

Currently, we've only experiment with using previous task's rationales to identify the component.

Arguments for CCI :

head_levelDo head level Granularity?
head_level_top_kNumber of Heads to choose from
data_dirChoice includes: movies,boolq,scifact. Data will be loaded from ./data/{data_dir}/val.jsonl
old_model_dirThe folder of the old model e.g. ./bms_model/boolq/
new_model_dirThe folder of the new model e.g. ./bms_model/movies/
mo_gt_methodMethod to select from Model Old to Ground Truth
mn_mo_methodMethod to select from Model New to Model Old
deviceDevice to use. CPU/GPU
n/n_annNumber of maximum annotations to do ie. 200 (We found that 200 is enough)
gen_ratUse generated rationale?

Unsupervised Rationale Generation

Any rationale generation module can be used. However, in this work we used InvRat.

Generated rationales has to be in the same format as ERASER's jsonl file and in the same directory as human rationales. Then simply run CCI with --gen_rat.

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Refactor code, use submodule to properly give credit to LAMOL