

<h1 align="center">just-dashboard</h1> <p align="center"> <a href="https://kantord.github.io/just-dashboard/">Documentation</a> • <a href="https://kantord.github.io/just-dashboard/getting-started">Getting started</a> • <a href="https://kantord.github.io/just-dashboard/components.html">Chart types</a> </p>

Travis Codecov

just-dashboard turns this:

dashboard "Food":
  - h1 text: Food
  - h2 text: By caloric content
  - 3 columns:
    - rows:
      - h3 text: Bananas
      - pie chart: {
          "columns": [
            ["Protein", 5], ["Sugar", 10], ["Other carbs", 40], ["Fat", 1]
    - rows:
      - h3 text: Tofu
      - pie chart: {
          "columns": [
            ["Protein", 30], ["Sugar", 0], ["Other carbs", 40], ["Fat", 3]
    - rows:
      - h3 text: Peanut butter
      - pie chart: {
          "columns": [
            ["Protein", 20], ["Sugar", 2], ["Other carbs", 20], ["Fat", 50]

Into this:

Screenshot of a dashboard that compares the macronutrients in bananas, tofu and peanut butter.

To host your dashboard, you can roll your own backend, or:

In fact, I've created a Gist with the example above: https://gist.github.com/kantord/2973bdd4ad689642562018bb4091ffbd; thus it's accessible as a dashboard at: http://bottoml.in/e/kantord/2973bdd4ad689642562018bb4091ffbd