

AnimeCeleb — Official Dataset & PyTorch Implementation

***** Follow-up research by our team is available at https://github.com/kangyeolk/Paint-by-Sketch *****<br> ***** New: Follow-up research by our team is available in this repository *****<br>

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AnimeCeleb: Large-Scale Animation CelebHeads Dataset for Head Reenactment<br> Kangyeol Kim*<sup>1,4</sup>, Sunghyun Park*<sup>1</sup>, Jaeseong Lee*<sup>1</sup>, Sunghyo Chung<sup>2</sup>, Junsoo Lee<sup>3</sup>, Jaegul Choo<sup>1</sup><br> <sup>1</sup>KAIST, <sup>2</sup>Korea University, <sup>3</sup>Naver Webtoon, <sup>4</sup>Letsur Inc.<br> In ECCV 2022. (* indicates equal contribution)

Paper: https://arxiv.org/abs/2111.07640 <br>

<!-- > Project page: TBD <br> -->

Abstract: We present a novel Animation CelebHeads dataset (AnimeCeleb) to address an animation head reenactment. Different from previous animation head datasets, we utilize a 3D animation models as the controllable image samplers, which can provide a large amount of head images with their corresponding detailed pose annotations. To facilitate a data creation process, we build a semi-automatic pipeline leveraging an open 3D computer graphics software with a developed annotation system. After training with the AnimeCeleb, recent head reenactment models produce high-quality animation head reenactment results, which are not achievable with existing datasets. Furthermore, motivated by metaverse application, we propose a novel pose mapping method and architecture to tackle a cross-domain head reenactment task. During inference, a user can easily transfer one's motion to an arbitrary animation head. Experiments demonstrate an usefulness of the AnimeCeleb to train animation head reenactment models, and the superiority of our cross-domain head reenactment model compared to state-of-the-art methods.

Expression Domain Translation Network — Official Implementation

Source | Driving | Animo | (New) EDTN

<img src="./EDTN/assets/result1.gif" width="600"> <img src="./EDTN/assets/result2.gif" width="600"> <img src="./EDTN/assets/result3.gif" width="600">

Project Page: https://keh0t0.github.io/research/EDTN/ <br> Paper: https://arxiv.org/abs/2310.10073 <br>


This repository consists of 3 parts as follows:


If you find this work useful for your research, please cite our paper:

  title={AnimeCeleb: Large-Scale Animation CelebHeads Dataset for Head Reenactment},
  author={Kim, Kangyeol and Park, Sunghyun and Lee, Jaeseong and Chung, Sunghyo and Lee, Junsoo and Choo, Jaegul},
  booktitle={Proc. of the European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV)},
      title={Expression Domain Translation Network for Cross-domain Head Reenactment}, 
      author={Taewoong Kang and Jeongsik Oh and Jaeseong Lee and Sunghyun Park and Jaegul Choo},


We appreciate other outstanding projects: series of talking-head-anime, Making Anime faces with StyleGan that inspired us. Also, we would like to thank the original authors of the collected 3D model, and open the list of their names and URLs in this file. The model code borrows heavily from FOMM and PIRenderer.