

Data Preparation

Put the tracking datasets in ./data. It should look like:

-- data
  -- lasot
      |-- airplane
      |-- basketball
      |-- bear
  -- got10k
      |-- test
      |-- train
      |-- val
  -- coco
      |-- annotations
      |-- images
  -- trackingnet
      |-- TRAIN_0
      |-- TRAIN_1
      |-- TRAIN_11
      |-- TEST

Set project paths

Run the following command to set paths for this project

python tracking/create_default_local_file.py --workspace_dir . --data_dir ./data --save_dir .

After running this command, you can also modify paths by editing these two files

lib/train/admin/local.py  # paths about training
lib/test/evaluation/local.py  # paths about testing

Train HiT

python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node 8 lib/train/run_training.py --script HiT --config HiT_Base --save_dir .

(Optionally) Debugging training with a single GPU

python lib/train/run_training.py --script HiT --config HiT_Base --save_dir .

Test and evaluate on benchmark

python tracking/test.py HiT HiT_Base --dataset lasot --threads 2 --num_gpus 2 --debug 0
python tracking/analysis_results.py # need to modify tracker configs and names
python tracking/test.py HiT HiT_Base --dataset got10k_test --threads 2 --num_gpus 2 --debug 0
python lib/test/utils/transform_got10k.py --tracker_name HiT --cfg_name HiT_Base
python tracking/test.py HiT HiT_Base --dataset trackingnet --threads 2 --num_gpus 2 --debug 0
python lib/test/utils/transform_trackingnet.py --tracker_name HiT --cfg_name HiT_Base
python tracking/test.py HiT HiT_Base --dataset nfs --threads 2 --num_gpus 2 --debug 0
python tracking/analysis_results.py # need to modify tracker configs and names
python tracking/test.py HiT HiT_Base --dataset uav --threads 2 --num_gpus 2 --debug 0
python tracking/analysis_results.py # need to modify tracker configs and names
python tracking/test.py HiT HiT_Base --dataset lasot_extension_subset --threads 2 --num_gpus 2 --debug 0
python tracking/analysis_results.py # need to modify tracker configs and names

Run Video demo

python tracking/video_demo.py <path of onnx model> <video path> 

Transform onnx; test speed, flops, params

python tracking/transfer_onnx
python tracking/profile_model_hit --script HiT --config HiT_Base
python tracking/profile_model_hit_cpu --script HiT --config HiT_Base 
python tracking/profile_model_hit_onnx --script HiT --config HiT_Base
python tracking/profile_model_hit_onnx_cpu --script HiT --config HiT_Base

Models && Raw results

The trained models, and the raw tracking results are provided in here

