

<!-- SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Simon Schneegans <code@simonschneegans.de> SPDX-License-Identifier: CC-BY-4.0 -->

GNOME Shell Integration for Kando

[!IMPORTANT] The code in the main branch is for GNOME Shell 45+. For older GNOME versions, please use the gnome-40-44 branch.

This GNOME Shell extension is required for 🥧 Kando on GNOME under Wayland. Via a D-Bus interface, it provides the name of the currently focused window, and the current mouse pointer position. Furthermore, it allows registering and simulating keyboard shortcuts.

⬇️ Installation

From the GNOME Extensions Website

Just head over to extensions.gnome.org and flip the switch to install the extension!

From Source Code

To install the extension directly from the main branch on GitHub, clone this repository and run make install:

git clone https://github.com/kando-menu/gnome-shell-integration.git
cd gnome-shell-integration
make install

Afterwards, restart GNOME Shell by logging out and back in. Finally, enable the extension:

gnome-extensions enable kando-integration@kando-menu.github.io

🗒️ Changelog

We do not maintain a separate changelog for this repository. Changes are documented alongside other changes in Kando's changelog.