

How to GraphQL 🎓

How to GraphQL is a fullstack tutorial website to learn all about GraphQL! It was built by Graphcool and many amazing contributors. All content on the site is completely free and open-source.


The content for all tutorials is located in the /content directory. Here is an overview of all the tutorials that are available at the moment:




Contributions / Fixes

As the whole project is open-source, you're more than welcome to fix typos and other small issues yourself and create a PR for the fix. If you want to contribute a whole tutorial track, please get in touch.

Installation & Running locally

You can run a local instance of How to GraphQL by executing the following commands in a terminal:

git clone git@github.com:howtographql/howtographql.git
cd howtographql
yarn install
yarn start # http://localhost:8000/ 

Note: If you're using Node 8, you might need to invoke npm install -g node-gyp before you're starting the app. More info here.