


Experimental Sitecore data provider that loads serialized items directly from disk.

Why would you want to do this? Well, imagine storing your templates and renderings as serialized items with no syncing tools (such as Unicorn or TDS).

The data provider simply ghosts in the serialized items into the content tree, making them appear as normal items.




The provider loads the entire set of serialized items into RAM at startup and uses lazy indexes to further increase performance. Obviously this can use significant RAM if you make the database too large. However it's very nice for performance once it is loaded - significantly faster than the SQL data provider at reads, but slower at writes due to the amount of disk access involved.


Rhino would have never happened if @alexshyba hadn't suggested the idea to me and brought the SitecoreData project to my attention. He's the man. I just wrote some code :)

This is a highly modified fork of SitecoreData, a project that has an embryonic serialization data provider.

Robin Hermanussen also has written a similar provider to this but more geared towards usage as a unit testing tool (i.e. it supports blobs, but not item renaming): Fixture

This is built with Sitecore 7.0 130424



Quite a silly moniker don't you agree? Chosen because a Rhino, much like a Unicorn, has a prominent horn. Hey, it could have been Narwhal :)


Please do. Pull requests, feature requests, and forking are encouraged :)